6 Tips For Your Trip To Oman

April 14, 2014 Oman 10 Comments 27,483 Views

6 Things You Should Know Before You Set Off To Oman.

1. Rent a Car.

There are countries that are easy to travel in without a car. Not Oman. If you want to see the countryside of Oman you definitely need to rent a car. Best is to get it right upon arrival at Muscat airport. Pre-booking makes it a lot cheaper and you also get unlimited mileage (if you rent directly from the companies you only have 200km included per day).

Experience the countryside of Oman with a good 4x4 SUV.
Experiencing the countryside of Oman with a good 4×4 SUV is the best way.
2. Map.

It’s not easy to find a good map of Oman, but at least get any kind of map. One of the things that we noticed is that street signs are often  missing or sometimes the pointing of the arrows are unclear.

If you have a smart-phone just can get a phone card and then simply connect to Google maps – this can be handy at times, especially when driving through the desert or remote mountain regions. Keep in mind: for desert driving, check the map before because you’ll lose reception a lot. Plus one should have some desert-experience when doing this alone.

Street signs in Oman can sometimes be unclear.
Street signs in Oman can sometimes be unclear, therefore be sure to bring a good map on your travels.
3. Accommodation.

In Oman you won’t come across various accommodations in every village, so you should better check out the places beforehand. Accommodation is pretty limited – which is good and bad at the same time. Some towns have “local” hotels that are cheaper than the ones found on the internet, but they are very rare.

If you’re adventurous enough, you can just camp instead. It’s great to spend a night out under the stars but of course you need some preparation for that as well…

4. Roads.

All the main roads are in excellent condition, but there is a lot of road construction going on, so signs are often non-existent or placed a bit confusing … if you miss an exit the highway you might have to drive 30km to turn around again. Also, it can be difficult to reach the other side of a town because there aren’t that many over-passes. We got lost a couple of times…

The unpaved trails through the mountains can be challenging at times, so one should have at least a bit of off-road driving experience – plus avoid driving when it’s raining cats and dogs. On the other hand the paved mountain roads can be very steep and you’ll come across road signs to switch into a lower gear. Don’t ignore these and drive moderate because the declines are sometimes really steep!

The street out of Muscat, Oman.
The street out of Muscat is in excellent condition, but be sure to know where to get off, because the next exit might be over 30km away.
Streets in Oman.
It’s really amazing to see the progress of streets across Oman. You will come across amazing mountain valley with paved roads, even though there is no sign of a village for many kilometres.
Unpaved mountain road in Oman.
Unpaved mountain roads in Oman definitely require a 4×4 car.
5. Food.

Muscat has huge supermarkets, so before you set out we’d suggest to buy some water, toilet paper and other essentials. In larger towns you’ll also supermarkets, but if you visit remote places you’ll be lucky to even find a little shop.

Restaurants are mostly run by Indians and serve great cheap curries of all variations with rice or Indian bread. This food is always fresh even if the place is small and doesn’t look very frequented … a lot of people order by phone and get it take-away. They just tend to look uninspiring, but they serve amazingly good food!

A simple home-made salad can save the day...
A simple home-made salad can save the day…
6. Petrol.

Nothing obvious here: A very great bonus is that petrol is so cheap in Oman. One liter costs roughly 0,30 € (!!!). Fill up your tank before heading off the beaten path because distances can be really long and the next petrol station might be hundred of kilometres away…

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“6 Things You Should Know Before You Set Off To Oman.”

  1. Great post, exactly the kind I like to read before heading to a new destination. Oman sounds like my kind of place…and of course I will drive!

  2. Nisa

    Thanks Corinne! We definitely want to return to Oman as well. Amazing country!!!!

  3. Now I have the itch to make it here one day… It reminds me a bit about the adventures we had in Lebanon, thanks to having access to friends’ cars. Not sure that the gas was quite that cheap, though!

  4. Nisa

    Hey Bethany!
    If you get the chance, you should :) Having a car in these countries is essential. Even if gas is a bit more expensive, it’s probably still cheaper than in a lot of other countries :)
    Best, Nisa

  5. Thanks for the update. I was in need of such updates as I have planned to visit Oman next week. Keep sharing..!!

  6. Nisa

    Hey Sofia!
    Glad we could help you out a bit :) Keep us posted on how your trip is going!
    Best, Nisa

  7. Nisa

    Yup, definitely a point that we came across when travelling here…

  8. Guignet

    Wounderfull report and pictures. Can you tell me exactly where the picture “unpaved mountain roads in Oman” was taken. I would like to see this place and I go to Oman next weekend.

  9. Thanks so much for your lovely words Guignet!
    It’s an easy way getting there: Simply take the mountain road from Nizwa up to Jebel Akhdar. The photo was taken were the rice terraces are situated…
    Have a great trip!
    Best, Nisa

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