Win, Win, Win

April 5, 2012 General 7 Comments 17,028 Views

Win Two Awesome Vouchers From Zalando.

This weekend I’m going to put on my shorts for the first time. Woopwoop! It finally feels like summer is just around the corner :D For me, this means two things: Spring cleaning and preparing our next big vacation …

The cleaning (luckily) has already been done but the holiday preparation has just begun. We’re actually planning a real big one this summer: Pakistan, India, Indonesia and China … or maybe Africa? As you can see, our tickets are not yet booked and we haven’t decided anything. All we know, it that it’s going to be another great adventure.

So for this trip (wherever it may take us), I was thinking of buying myself a couple of new things. And since I love online shopping, is a platform to spoil myself … for example with a new pair of nice trekking boots :)

So anyway, zalando is hereby allowing me to give away two AWESOME vouchers. One 100 € voucher and one 50 € voucher! Not bad huh? Be a part of our raffle and have a chance in winning.

How to participate in the “50 € voucher” raffle:

We all have some things that we can’t live without – especially when travelling … We want to know three items that you can’t live without while travelling. Tell us either by …

  • … commenting below …
  • … commenting on our facebook page
  • … or by twittering your answer (but don’t forget to also post the article link and @cookiesound – otherwise we unfortunately can’t include you). This could look like this for example: “I’m packing my suitcase and I’m bringing: Camera, notebook and a water kettle. via @cookiesound

How to participate in the “100 € voucher” raffle :

If you want to have a chance in winning the 100 € voucher from zalando, fill us in on why you need these three item so badly when travelling. Tell us either by …

  • … commenting below …
  • … or commenting on our facebook page.
  • Please no twitter because we want to read more than just 140 characters :D

Both winners will be announced on Friday, 11th of May 2012.

Good luck!

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“Win Two Awesome Vouchers From Zalando.”

  1. I’m packing my suitcase and I’m bringing: Bikini, iPhone (incl. charger) and of course (!!) my favorite sneakers. Yay!

  2. Notebook, pen and camera: Like many I’m obsessed with travelling, writing about it and photographing it. I have the most horrendous memory so it is essential that I have a notebook and pen with me to jot down those details I’ll need later when writing up my story. If there’s something on a menu or anything else already written down that I can take a photograph of, rather than writing it all out by hand, then that’s what I’ll do. When travelling on my own an unxepected bonus from taking notes in a restaurant is that a) it gives you something to do to feel less conspicuous as a woman dining alone and b) the restaurant thinks you are a critic and give you excellent service!
    Without my camera I’d be lost. I hope my pictures bring my words to life and help me share the joy I have for discovering new cultures, countries and cuisines.

  3. Mathias

    I never travel without my Nikon, a hoodie and a selected collection of music.
    The Nikon I need for travelling as I’m rather the visual guy than the verbal guy. I wouldn’t be able to share my experiences and adventures with others only by talking.
    The hoodie is a must have, as it is the best shelter in deepfrozen busses, trains and airplanes. Its also a good protection from dirty seats. Without a hoodie on a journey I feel vulnerable.
    Finally I never travel without good music. It helps me on long ways to get some sleep to be rested when I arrive at the places to be.

  4. The essential 3 things for travelling to me are: my iPhone or new Canon (depends where I go – often I really like onthego instagram pics more), a Muesliriegel and an openminded, positive attitude. This actually is the most important thing to bring with you or to get when going out an getting to know new people, countries, cultures. And for me it is the condition for real travelling and the purpose in one. Well, I think this is enough Sunday Afternoon philosophy talk ;-)

  5. I’m packing my backpack and I’m bringing: My notebook, a pen and my travel bug(s). These are my three essentials for travelling safe and sound ;-) And letting everyone know about it of course. My notebook: Mostly to connect to a wifi (if possible) and get connected to the ones I love who could not come with me on the trip; also it´s my storage for pics, stories, videos. Overall, just my best travel buddy.
    My second best is a pen – because you can always find a piece of paper (or in an emergency your skin) to write on, but there´s always a lack of – working – pens.
    And my travel bug(s) – well I cannot prevent them from coming with me anyways, so why not choose to take them with me in the first place? They are not only responsible for keeping me going, but also for being open minded, curious, interested and getting enthusiastic about the tiniest miracles I see.

  6. helene

    i always bring my blasenpflaster, my hardcore-sightseeing-liste and my favorite ausgelatschte paar schuhe. blasenpflaster, weil ich zuerst nie die ausgelatschten schuh anzieh, sondern die schönen und schwupps, die sightseeingliste, weil für mich die vorbereitung schon teil vom urlaub ist und ich dann das gefühl habe, den urlaub voll auszukosten und die ausgelatschten schuhe, weil ich so viele blasen hab, dass sich die anderen nimma ausgehen… :)
    holiday oh holiday is the best time of the year *sing*

  7. Nisa

    Thank you all so much for participating! I absolutely loved reading your answers. The random generator picked out Doris & Ines as the “winners” of this raffle. Have fun with your vouchers ;)

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