Spring In Austria

April 24, 2012 Austria Write a Comment 11,201 Views

Spring In Austria.

If there’s one thing that every Austrian looks forward to after a cold and hard winter it’s spring! All the greyness finally vanishes … the sun is shining, the birds are chipping and the grass is growing. Yes, springtime is absolutely wonderful. Last Saturday was perfect for shooting some photos, so we decided to go on a little road trip :)

Here are a couple of impressions:
When spring in Austria arrives, the sheep and cows are put onto the fields.
When spring in Austria arrives, the sheep and cows are put onto the fields.
In the countryside of Austria, fences are still built the old-school way, by wood.
In the countryside of Austria, fences are still built the old-school way, by wood.
The Austrian landscape around Vienna is flat with throusand of fields.
The Austrian landscape around Vienna is flat with thousands of fields.
Fresh lush landscapes cover the Austrian land durign spring.
Fresh lush landscapes cover the Austrian land durign spring.
Clear lines show the fields around Vienna.
Clear lines show the fields around Vienna.
The colours of the leaves in the Vienna woods change again in the spring time.
The colours of the leaves in the Vienna woods change again in the spring time.
The observatory in Buchberg is a great spot to see the surrounding landscape from above.
The observatory in Buchberg is a great spot to see the surrounding landscape from above.
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