Beach Paradise Sumatra

August 29, 2011 Indonesia 3 Comments 28,439 Views

Beach Paradise Sumatra.

Ok, it’s Monday morning and I (maybe you too)  need something to cheer me up. So I thought I’d post a couple of amazing beach paradise photos from Indonesia.

Just off the coast of Sumatra lie thousands of beautiful (pretty much uninhabited) islands. We’ve been here many times before (first time when I was just 9 years old). Why? Well, check out the photos below; they pretty much speak for themselves anyway…

Caution: Wanderlust danger!

Sumatra offers many islands for which "Beach Paradise" is the only right wording.
Sumatra offers many islands for which “Beach Paradise” is the only right wording.
Cubadak island is one of the beach paradise island off the West coast of Sumatra.
Cubadak island is one of the beach paradise island off the West coast of Sumatra.
Island hopping by boat is just one thing you can do here...
Island hopping by boat is just one of the things you can do in West Sumatra.
Beach paradises can be found all over Indonesia. And Sumnatra is definitely a great place for a real beach holiday.
Beach paradises can be found all over Indonesia. And Sumnatra is definitely a great place for a real beach holiday.
Double rainbows are nothing out of the ordinary in West Sumatra.
Double rainbows are nothing out of the ordinary in West Sumatra.
Also the beaches on the mainland of Sumatra are not to be underestimated. Here you can see fishermen pulling in the catch of the day at Bungus beach.
Also the beaches on the mainland of Sumatra are not to be underestimated. Here you can see fishermen pulling in the catch of the day at Bungus beach.
We’ve seen many many amazing beaches during our years of travelling but Sumatra’s coast (plus the Mentawai Islands) truly is one of the best places for a beach adventure.
We’ve seen many many amazing beaches during our years of travelling but Sumatra’s coast (plus the Mentawai Islands) truly is one of the best places for a beach adventure.
The islands off the coast of West Sumatra are often hit with meter-high waves.
The islands off the coast of West Sumatra are often hit with meter-high waves.
Walking along the beautiful beaches in Sumatra can is something well-worth to remember.
Walking along the beautiful beaches in Sumatra can is something well-worth to remember.
You can play "Robinson Crusoe" on this island...
…on which you can play “Robinson Crusoe”.
Walking around the island is no problem...all you need it time.
Walking around the island is no problem…all you need is time.
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“Beach Paradise Sumatra.”

  1. Adrian

    I have to say that the photos are beautiful. Where were they made exactly? Are they all from Cudabak Island? What’s the best island near Sumatra to spend 3 or 4 days on?

  2. Nisa

    Hi Adrian! No, the photos are not all from Cubadak Island. There are so many little island with home stays to visit. Cubadak is a great place to stay at for this time, but it’s not the cheapest of places. You can also say at Tin Tin Losmen (he has a place at Bungus beach, but also at one of the islands). Let me know if you need anything else. Take care!

  3. Adrian

    Thanks for your answer :)
    I still need some help. I’ll be in Indonesia for 19 days. I’ll arrive in Jakarta and have to decide whether to stay on Java (to see the temples, hike the volcanos, relax on Karimunjava) or to go to Sumatra. I really like the beaches from your photos but I think Karimunjawa will be good as well. Besides beaches is there enough things to do on Sumatra during 19 days? Which one is better in your opinion? Or should I just split my holidays between those two islands? Have you been to Karimunjava too? Thanks in advance!

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